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Monday, May 13, 2024

The Great Flood

Earth. About 100,000 BCE. Upper modern-day Croatia.  

Nutanuvalion was a Flame Keeper. His job was to distribute harnessed crystal light to his clan, his village, and whoever came his way. He came up with this job on his own. No one forced him. Crystal light was an ancient art that only a few descendants of mighty Atlanteans knew. This particular group of Atlanteans carried very specific esoteric items with them while Atlantis was being destroyed. After all it took several hundred years for the giant landmass to crumble and sink; this was enough time for the Flame Keepers to indoctrinate their new generation and closely cultivate their capabilities. These group of Atlanteans were very tall and thin but their strength came from crystals and the lights they harnessed. They rarely ate. They meditated most of the time. They sun-gazed and learned how to convert sunlight into bodily elements starting with glucose and then proteins to keep their bodies active and energized. However, they noticed that they had started to weaken over time; over the course of 500 years or so. After all, this group of Atlanteans shed their bodies every 1200 years. The symptoms of something unusual were being noticed everywhere. When you have such a long life to live, you tend to notice things that are out of ordinary. They knew how to pay utmost attention to every sound, light, smell, and the other senses. And they decided to pass this knowledge to their young generation along with crystal making. Crystal making was not much making more harvesting and recalibrating. It took specific processes and every crystal was tend to differently. Thus, the Flame Keepers or Pyrothans incorporated elements of fire ("pyro") and guardianship ("than"), reflecting the role of safeguarding and nurturing the flame that was once responsible for creating the huma instruments. So was their legend. And that legend changed over time along with the esoteric knowledge. Pyrothans knew that the knowledge was be subsumed over the next few millenniums to come but that was ok with them. They also knew that they are the ones who will reincarnate from time to time and keep the real knowledge alive and growing. There was so much to learn from Tierra Madre. The planet was their playground in all its existential planes. And so Nutanuvalion was brought up in that tradition even if most of the original knowledge was lost. 

"Nutanu! where are you going?" Nutanuvalion's partner, Aquiluna asked. 

"Going to the seatown to see the cousins and get some fishing done". Nutanuvalion replied. 

Nutanu didn't tell her something that he had experience that morning. His morning ritual was to bathe in the river next to their village, kill/capture the animal or forage for berries in the hills next door, then bring a few jugs of fresh milk home for everyone to consume. He often went by himself and was a loner. You see, the planet was teeming with life back then and this part of the earth was no exception. Nutanu was melancholy because of the reasons unknown. May be it had something to do with the fish that talked in his head. 

Earlier in the day, Nutanu had cupped some water to pour it over his face. As he did that, he noticed something unusual at the corner of this eyes this time. It was a minnow. Perhaps even smaller than a minnow. Most minnows in the waters where he bathed were blackish gray or brown. This one had a bright blue stripe on one side and an orange stripe on the other side under its belly. Nutanu fell in love with that fish. 
"Don't eat me. Take me home with you". A thought-sound happened in Nutanu's head. It seemed to come from top of his head and have a resounding effect all over his body. Humm.

He decided that he will keep this fish alive and let it grow instead of eating it. He went back home and got a jar, a clay pot. He filled it with the same water and put the fish in it. Then he brought it home for Aquilaluna to see. "Luna, give me your monthly crystal, the one that you use to ease the period pain. This fish will heal really well if you let me use it.". Lune smiled and gave the crystal and let Nutanu play with his fish. It was his childlike creativity and playfulness that she fell in love with. After 56 years, he was still at it. She had seen many miracles take place through Nutanu's crystals. The village folks thought he was a Magi. 

"Take me back to my home." Another thought-sound bubble. This time Nutanu was half-asleep. He was in a autodidactic mood just when the Consciousness decided to make him its instrument and executor of its will. In his half-asleep state, Nutanu felt himself talking to someone really big. "Where is home?".


Nutanu woke up early. Put on his water bag and long staff. His business tunic...the one that made him look older and wiser. 

After pacifying Aquillaluna and telling her he will be back in few days, Nutanu took off. 

Why is something off?

That familiar but unfamiliar feeling was creeping into him. He knew that feeling really well. Usually, it crept up before he made a prophesy or prediction or healing sounds or anything that made him feel important. 


Seaside town in modern-day Croatia.

After the usual chitchat with local merchants and his cousins and old friends he grew up with, Nutanu made his way to the beach. It was perfect twilight. He released the fish. The whole process was so overwhelmingly familiar to him and yet he knew that he had not done this before. He let in the seawater get into his clay jug and slowly his new fish friend swam out. 

"Come back later tonight when its full moon. I will be back here. I have something to tell you."

Nutanu scratched his head. He had accepted his whimsical experiences. But this was something else.
A little fish is talking in my head and is asking me to come back here in the dark. 

Nutanu came back after dinner with his childhood best friend. His friend decided to chill on the beach and lie down in the full moon light. 

"Nutanu, there are night bandits here. I don't want to be here for long. Hurry". Night bandits were the half spirit, half human beings who could shape-shift and materialize at will. It was common. In fact, the whole human experience was infested with a lot of 'in between' beings. Human beings were the only ones who were truly the 'in between' beings. They were made of flesh and blood and their experience was rooted in the ground. There were many Divine and Demonic beings. The night was especially full of them. It was common. The fish was still very uncommon though. Nutanu was in love with that fish. 

"ok, ok. It all depends on my friend in the water". Nutanu confided in his friend more than he confided in his partner. He had been witness to Nutanu's journey from the seatown to the mountaintown where he moved when he was a teen. Besides, he was trained as a flame keeper a job not handed down by parents to their children. It was earned. Nutanu had earned it by going through severe penances and trials. His friend knew that he had taken an easy route and had followed his father's footsteps to be sea-merchant. 

The fish was back. It's orange stripe was glowing. 

"A great deluge, a torrent of rain is coming. Along with it will come massive waves that will engulf this town and many others. The rain will continue. There will be many massive waves. The rain will continue. The rain will continue. The rain will continue."

"Come back every full moon. I will tell you something important every time."  

Nutanu told this to his friend. His friend scoffed it off. But he offered his place whenever he was in town. 

Second Full Moon.

Fish friend had gotten big. The orange stripe was fading. The eyes had gotten big.

"The Earth is changing. There will be many floods. It's going to be very watery everywhere. The sea will rise and engulf everything. What will remain will be taken over by the water from the sky. The towns will sink everywhere."

"What is Earth?"

"The world that you live in."

"How big is it?"

"Big enough."

That night Nutanu had a dream. He saw many beautiful places, town, cities, and forests. Mountains. He went high. Higher and higher. He saw his home disappear. He flew like an eagle over many places. His heart was racing when he woke up. 

Earth is big. And it's going to be under water. 

Another full moon night.

This time Nutanu didn't have to look. There was a flapping sound in the waves in front of him. And a very clear sounding thought-bubble. 

"Build an armada of ships. You will need to get away."

"Why an armada?"

"You will need an armada to carry everything you have and others have."

"Who are you?"

"I am what I am. I am you."

"You are a fish. I am talking to a fish."

"You are talking to Me. I am You."

"Why me?"

"Who else?"

"I don't know how to build a canoe let alone a ship or an armada of ships. How big are we talking?"

"Big enough to house thousand animals, thousand birds, thousand people, thousand plants."


"Rain. Water. Waves. Floods. They will not stop for many years. Everything will be under water. There will be many giant waves. Sea will rise. Water will be everywhere. Your home and everyone's home will be eventually destroy. Your town. The towns you saw in your dream last night will also be destroyed."

"Who are you? How do you know about my dream?"


Another full moon.

"My friend! come back to me and tell me of things to come." Nutanu was desperate. What he thought was a joke was turning into a serious thing. Day after day. That special feeling was getting stronger. How will I have everyone? Luna, my dog, my children, what about my goats? How can I build a ship? I am not a ship builder. I don't even know how to grow my own food. I don't even know how to cook. What about fire?

Thousand thoughts came and went.

Thousand dreams came and went.

They all looked the same. Water coming over in great many walls. Big resounding thunderstorms. Unstoppable rains. Sometimes he would wake up in the middle of the night fearing he was going to drown. The calm and the peace of his home and his friend's seatown with business as usual was in start contrast with his nightly journeys. 

"Here I am!"

A giant fish splashed water on him and drenched him. His minnow friend had become so big! It was now the size of a big oxen. 

"I can't stop the dreams. They are awful."

"You have a job to do. So get to it."

"How much time do I have? I need many years to complete this job!"

"You will have about 12 more moons to go. Then the rains will begin. First at slow and frequent. Then they will increase in intensity. When it should be summer and warmth, there will be water and cold."

"But I need more time! I am not even a ship builder! I don't have what it takes!"

"You have everything that it takes. You are talking to me. You are the Flame Keeper."

"Where do I start?"

"Get help."

"Who do I get help from? Who will help me?"

"Everyone that is meant to be on that ship will help you. Start with your buddy in the seatown. Ask your partner's brother. See you next full moon."

"Wait. Come back!"

Humm. Yes that's correct. He knows many people as a sea-merchant. But I have to get him to loan me some money to build the ships. I don't have the money. Yes. Yes. Yes. Luna's brother is very tall and muscular. He knows how to build things. Didn't Luna say he worked on the dock, building hulls? 


Next full moon.

"Did you talk to your cousins?"

"Why? You didn't tell me to. I asked my brother in law. He knows a few people and he can get the job done. My friend will loan the money. How big of a ship are we talking? How many ships? This is a big project!" Nutanu thought he sounded desperate. He was desperate. His dreams were not changing. 

"I asked you to talk to people. That includes all of those cousins of yours, your wife, and your friends. By the way, they are standing right there behind the bushes, spying on you. Bring them all here."

Nutanu turned and to everyone who was hiding in the bushes watching him gawk at a giant fish scurried to pretend that they weren't watching him. Nutanu convinced them to come and be with the fish.

The fish friend displayed enormous tactics that would shame a dolphin, half its size. It also let everyone pat him. 

"Nice fish" everyone said the same thing.

They all went home. They all had the same dreams of big deluge. The dreams didn't stop. 

Then one by one they came to Nutanu to ask for his advice. Nutanu told them everything he knew. Including the eagle flight he had taken during one of his dreams. One of the sailors in the group corroborated his story. The others simply believed in him. Or the Fish. 

Then they went to work. 

Nutanu started travelling around to see if he can find as many different fish, bird, animals, plants he can gather. He told people it's his hobby. He put them in pots, pans, crates, whatever he could find. He built a big zoo. People came from far and wide to see his zoo. They didn't pay heed to his warnings. A few did. They also decided to build boats and ships. Then when the floods didn't come, they abandoned the idea. 

Nutanu went to talk to his fish-friend every full moon while the project was on-going.

"Gather as many children as you can. Same goes for babies of every type of animals you have gathered. Take enough feed for them. You can plant the wheat and rice in the wider ship. Protect it from the elements. Use the feed for the animals. Feed the animals, plants and fish to children first. Let them play games on ships. There will be times when food will be scarce; prioritize the children. They will grow up on the ships. These children and the rest of your will bear the next generations to come."

"Go to the East and the West and look for seven wise men. They know all the crafts related to human body and human civilization. More importantly, they are connected to me. They will come with you. May you live long and prosper".

And so Nutanu followed. He found 7 wise men in the East and the West. Together with his family and friends he build 12 great ships. Each ship was different. He stuffed them with as many flora and fauna he could find in few months. 

For many years, the rains continued. Great floods just as his fish-friend predicted. The armada of ships survived it all. He himself turned into a wise man. When he felt that the time was right, he commanded the ships to look for dry lands. He sent them out in many directions. 

Nutanu and his people had plenty of food to eat. The 7 wise men copulated with Nutanu's daughters and sisters. Nutanu also took many wives and fathered many children....

And so began the new human civilization

Monday, June 13, 2022

Stories from Atlantis

Narrated by Kii' the guardian of the Queen Sage Tashee, the uniting Royal and persona-grata Head of State and Master Magi of Emerald The Splendorous (9th of the 12 great Houses of Atlantis).

The council of the 9 heads of state has fallen to shambles. It has come true. All seven of Queen Sage Tashee's predictions...pondered Kii'. His sister did not believe him believing in Queen Sage Tashee. While he adored her, she despised her. Despite of the fact that Queen Sage Tashee saved her life, once, twice, thrice. How ungrateful. Even if you don't believe it magic. Even if you don't commune with the Divine. Even if you choose to ignore all the clear signs of how great Queen Sage Tashee is. Just to be thankful to someone who saved your life, three times! No, that shouldn't surprise me. For this land is bound to be destroyed, not on its own accord but due to all the double-standards and debaucheries I have seen my lifetime. My own sister included. 

And this is my 20th and last lifetime in this land. It's a holy land. But it is to be no more. It will parish. I have seen it happening with my own eyes. In that crystal cave temple that the Queen Sage Tashee took me once. As crystal clear as my reflection on the glistening walls of the temple. 

Kii' thought of these thoughts and many more. For today was the special ceremony on Emerald the Splendorous. Today marks the great alliance forged between the House of Ja'mel, House of Ectonul, and House of Mishbar. Right here. As the founding rulers of the 10th, 11th, and 12th new states of this Grand Island of Light (Atleantean name for Atlantis). The three are smallest of the 12 Houses. This alliance has forged unbeknownst to the warring Houses of the East and the West, the two grand empires that are spinning this Grand Island of Light into darkness slowly with 10,000 year old forever wars. They are drawing the other 6 Houses into their games, forcing them to align themselves one way or another. When will this foolishness end?

Shit. Who's that? Another assassin? Child? Wind? let me check.

Kii' remembered his ultimate test when he was training to be the Protector of Royal House. His Guru put his hand on his shoulder and said this into his head, "Look ahead. Time shall cease now as you know it. Remember that you took this birth to accomplish one task. Find that task. Search within. Use me and my force. Let that be your force. Let there be no doubt. You are to pay your dues by giving yourself fully to any threat that comes to the Royal House. The loyalty that you hereby swore today is not to them but to yourself. And to me. Take my trident. Let it ring out into the astral planes. Let it ring out into the entire Grant Island of Light. Take charge. And remember, this is a dream of ours. You don't really exist. Only Light does. And you are not alone. I am/We are with you, always" The words were etched into Kii''s mind. Literally. The last phrase rang out so loud that he thought that he was going to pass out. Thousand bells ringing at the same time. Thousand drums banging at the same time. He seemed to be lost forever in those tones. He experienced timelessness. He didn't know time existed before this moment. Time and Space. They are one. My experience. It's all one. His Guru's message played backwards as he began to gain full consciousness. He found out that he could access the entire message with touch of a symbol on the trident. And many others. Many many many others. The entire library of all the Masters that ever existed was available to him. The words could flash before his inner eye in a dazzling silvery display of marry-go-round. And he could stop them with a single, uniform thought.

His Guru vanished immediately thereafter uttering those words and entered the central spire of the trident. Kii' caught it just in the nick of time before it could hit the ground and shatter. The trident was made of beautiful moldavite, carved from a single meteorite-size of a building. Kii' knew he wasn't allowed to summon his Guru for anything mundane. It would have to be an enormous event. An event that would require a full support from the hierarchy of the Masters. Like today's event. 

Kii' humbly lowered his head. He knew better after living almost 700 years on Earth. 700 years! This was longer than even the longest of Atlantean lifespans of 200 years. That ought to knead some wisdom in you. It has to. He felt calm and restless at the same time. No way to tame or deal with this feeling. "Is this the same feeling that Queen Sage Tashee mentions? Is this the same feeling of destruction that Masters of Light have spoken about? Is this the feeling I get when I visit the two Houses of East and Wesssss........." And with that, he felt numb. His thoughts froze in mid-air. His spine rattled like a leaf in a storm. What is this new surge of energy? This is not mine. It's too raw and not tamed. Hum, it has a signature. Very distinct, child-like, but raw. Like a mountain about to sprout but too raw. It's coming from my right. And it is about to discharge something in my direction. 

Kii''s hair moved with that last realization. He had woven his master's trident in to his own hair by first breaking it into thousand pieces and then carefully allowing his hair to grow around them. His hair had 100 braids and the longest braid reached all the way to his knee. Almost all 7 feet of him. They look benign to the untrained eye, tinkling with all the crystal pieces, marking a border here and there, as if it was some sort of fashion statement. 

After long training, he could use his hair strands as weapons. He could control them individually and move them as he wished. They could emerge from around his body as whips with very strong astral and hyper-astral lights. They could move back and forth between his head and the target with immense accuracy and resounding tones that resembled a mix of heavy chain, gong, and electric hum of the ferroelectric material of transformers of our modern day. The hair-locks bedazzled the untrained target with their penetrating light. And before the unfortunate soul could comprehend what was happening, he/she would obliterate and vanish with a sting so strong and so forceful and so final with a single contact. It was too much to bear. Very few knew how to dodge such a force. But even they could, they would fall within two or three such blocks. Kii' never used his weapon unless it was absolutely necessary. Unless a Royal House member was under attack that they couldn't handle. Unless Kii' was personally threatened. Unless Kii' inner voice commanded him to do so. Unless Kii' was guarding Queen Sage Tashee. Consequently, he had used his mighty weapon, his hair-locks precisely 4 times in his 700 year long life. 

 And today, he was guarding Queen Sage Tashee. 

And today, three of his hair strands moved independently in three different directions as if to search for the intruder. Invisible? Yes. Powerful? Yes. Unsure? Yes. Does he/she/it know I am here? Yes. Do they know where the Queen is? No. How far? two and half dream-plane overtones far. Coming closer. Closer. Good. They want to materialize. No, wait. They are being pulled into this plane. Ha ha ha. Mother Earth's electomagnetic field at work again. She is pulling them into material existence. Ha ha ha. This will be easy. 

And at that instant, three beings, non-human, stark naked, with non-earthly bodies materialized. Assassins. Not Martians. He knew the Martians very well. Not from this solar system. 

Kii' consciously moved three more braids around them to quickly subdue any unplanned discharge due to the unplanned materialization. The previous three hair braids were waiting for his thought-command. Ready to strike. Kii' moved closer for inspection. He felt cold intention. Almost devoid of life-force. But the same raw mountain-like energy ready to erupt. Oh no, suicidal discharge!

How to stop this? I have not encountered this before. They can't discharge unless the Queen is around. The Queen is safe in her palace preparing her speech. I can see her. Then why are they here? Unless, I am the target!

With that realization, Kii' felt instantly numb. Pressure wave building up. Wind being sucked out. Literally. The weapon, the tri-fold assassins, is going to explode on me. I am the target. 

Centuries wasted. Queen's speech won't be made. She will die with me. Energy. Pure. Energy beautiful. Energy personal. Energy impersonal. It's all there. Wow. It's not that bad. 

With that thought and feeling, Kii' fluttered his eyes intending to close them. About to surrender to the Almighty. The Great Spirit. The Great Unknown. Here I come. 

From the endless depth of his being, came words, rather they bubbled up, then finally zapped him with their pop. WAKE. UP. NO TIME. Master Kii'Ue rose from his hair braids. He materialized. Picked up Kii's numb body that was about to hit the palace ground. He instantly materialized several crystals and chanted few verses in ancient Atlantean. Each verse grew bigger and bigger pressure waves and turned into light, almost enveloping Kii' but not quiet. The chanting continued till they engulfed him completely and became the shield around his body. A bubble had formed around Kii'. Time stood still. No time. Kii' opened his almost-closed eyes half-way. He saw that three crystals were placed on his third eye, heart center and his solar plexus. Master is here. Did I invoke him? 


But you said, I passed...and you vanished into your trident.


You said, I can not invoke you unless it was necessary. I felt it was not necessary. 


Kii' opened his eyes fully. Fully awake, he fumbled around. He didn't know what he was looking for. Did he fall asleep? Did the Queen make the speech already? No. There she is. She is still in her chambers. I can feel it. I better move.

...three hours later, the Queen finally made her speech. The long and short of it was that Atlantis should prepare for its destruction. It will take 5 generations, almost 1000 years before the beginning of the fall. But there is a hope. And that is to allow 5 subsequent generations to collect all the previous knowledge, all their wisdom, all their survivals skills and start immigrating to other lands. It will take 100 years or so to complete the move, but it must be done. The 9th house shall lead the effort. The 10th, 11th, and the 12th house will follow. She will provide the necessary funds, personnel, equipment, and political security to accomplish this. This alliance will enter into a covenant- to protect and bear the future humanity. No matter what the cost.....and, we must learn to trust. Trust each other. Trust.

Kii' listened to the last word. He smiled for the first time in his 700 years of long life. And closed his eyes for the first and last time in his 700 years of long life. For he had lived to protect and serve. Only he failed to serve the Great Spirit. He had not learned to trust the Supreme. 


Friday, November 9, 2018

Svayambhu (Shiva)’s Mahasamadhi

Somewhere on Earth. Spring Night. Sounds of crickets chirping.

“It was a decent into pure rapture, bliss, and ecstasy. Because for him, the only way up was to go down into Earth. Nothing higher than him, you know!” Grandma said.
“Granma, what is ecstasy?” the granddaughter asked. She was done with her 16th birthday celebrations-a very special occasion that was to be celebrated once in one’s lifetime. Both boys and girls went through a special ceremony (sacred rites as decided by the elder mothers and elder fathers) and celebration (food, dance, music) in that part of the world.
“It is like having your favorite dessert but many times over…” her Grandma replied.
Grandma was telling the child the story of how Svayambhu became Shiva.

“So on that particular day, after done dwelling upon this earth and beyond in his one and only incarnated body for thousands of years, Svayambhu sat in his final meditation. He knew that this was going to be his last day on Earth. He had already said farewell to his departed wife, Parvati, many centuries ago. Now he was ready to leave his body himself.” Grandma halted and took a deep breath.
“But Granny, you said that they both ascended together during their last samadhi.”
“yes, child, something like that…yes, humm. May be, I don’t know. Perhaps. I only know what he felt. It was quite beautiful.”
“So, what happened? Please tell me, please, please, please. I want to hear it before I go to sleep. Please…” the granddaughter asked after taking off the garlands of flowers around her neck, her ears, and her upper arms. She had already broken off the tiny threads that held the flowers together. Then she took a long sip of cool water from the pot while looking at the moonless night-sky sparkling with beautiful stars. Then she slowly inched towards her grandma and put her head in her lap. Grandma didn’t even notice as she was already in deep trance. Words poured from her mouth in a very quietly. You really had to be very close to her to hear them. They were almost inaudible -more like whispers.
“That was a special day. For all of us-because Svayambhu departed the 3rd dimension of Earth and became of Earth in his Mahasamadhi. He made himself available to us as a parting gift-now isn’t that wonderful. Oh, what an amazing being he is. Self-less, charitable, and so grand!
“He closed the doors of his great palace of stones and sticks that he had built himself-he went deeper into his cave in Himalayas. He sat in meditation. And just like any other day, he started his Kriya breaths. As usual, he went in and out of his body while doing the special breaths. Finally, he reached the exalted state. Snap! And he was inside himself going deep, deep, deep into himself. He had done that before many times. Thousands, millions of times.”
“He felt the low rumble below his body. It was as if Parvati, the Mother, his beloved wife, was talking to her Swami. She was saying, ‘follow me, play with me’. Feeling her touch, he gave himself up completely. And right before his body hit the ground in that cave, he experienced the following, knowing and being perfectly aware of what he was doing.”
Granddaughter yawned and drifted to sleep. She started snoring. Grandma didn’t notice. She continued her story. As if she was telling this story to herself. Tears started flowing as she recounted the next set of sequences.
“Grandeur! Freedom! Ananda! Oh, beauty thine name is thus -the Goddess. Ma! How beautiful was that for Svayambhu to experience that! He had never felt this kind of peace before. He became absorbed fully and wholly into himself. He immersed into himself -his own Shakti, his own energy, his own Ananda. Drops of Amrit became waves of Amrit only to turn into streams, rivers and finally cosmic oceans of Amrit. Pure Ananda. He vibrated lower, lower, and lower as he realized he couldn’t go up. The only way for him was to go down into his body and into the Earth. He shot himself down into Earth, penetrating one eon at a time in a very slow manner. Thus he shed time.”
“Gorgeous vistas of himself unfolded as the past, present, and future of the whole Earth emerged within him. He simply witnessed them as usual. But during this dive of all dives into himself, he experienced and witnessed both simultaneously. He talked-she listened. She talked-he listened. He became one with Earth. He became one with his Shakti. He realized he didn’t know what this complete merging into his own Shakti was until that moment. An eternal moment it was!”

“Finally, he reached the center of Earth. There, he beheld his own self as two co-existing Grand Selves. There he disappeared into himself. One Self was him, pure, absolute, grand, dark, Nothingness-Shunya. The other Self was still him-pure, everything, paratman, everything-ness, all-ness, he was wrapped around the whole creation-the supreme soul-Mahavishnu. The two-the grand black hole and the grand white hole both were One. When he opened his eyes, he became Mahavishnu-present everywhere in everything and everyone as a Supreme Possibility. He closed his eyes, he became Mahashiva-present everywhere in everything and everyone as a Supreme Impossibility. Oh-the joy he felt. Soaring through his infinite depths he had finally found himself.”
“He spent many eternities there. Blinking and breathing through his eyes-as he opened them, he brought everything into existence from within himself, as he closed them, he brought everything back into himself. After experiencing these endless cycles, he talked to the Mother. She said, ‘let’s go back where your body is’. He said, ‘No Devi! I want to stay here. Why go back?’ She said, ‘Because you have had enough. Don’t tease me like you always do and keep playing this game’. Thus, they played few games of this nature for few more eternities.”

“Then She said, ‘if you stay here any longer, you will abandon your creation prematurely and the creation will be absolved into you without knowing you. Don’t you want them to play for a bit like you and I did and then come home and be submerged into you?’
“Yes, you are right, Devi. I was being selfish. I forgot that they are still there. Now, let’s go back. I will go wherever you want me to go. I surrender to you. You create me as me.”
“And that is how Svayambhu became Shiva.”
“Then Shiva shot up through the same channel, Shushumna, through which he had gone down to Earth. He went back up to his body. His body still hadn’t hit the ground in the cave. He desired to do nothing without Shakti’s permission. He laid inert. He thought about entering the body again. Devi said ‘no. Don’t. Do this instead’. And then she laughed and danced. Her dance was so delightful and inviting that he lost himself into her. He experienced his state of being/nonbeing-ness again and again as he danced alongside her. For his every move was reciprocated by her. For her every move, he witnessed himself dancing. Absolutely marvelous! Beautiful tones, rich melodies mixed with joy and pain, interludes of peace and chaos, gorgeous vistas of civilizations to come, and civilizations that had passed danced before his eyes. The birds, the animals of past and future flared before his eyes as he danced. And he witnessed himself thinking, ‘oh, I already know all this’. And that made him surrender even more to her. He finally laid down in a complete awe of his own Ananda dancing upon him. He turned his gaze upon her, felt her-every single cell of her into him entrenched with pure love and bliss, her pains-joys-sorrows-beauty-the dynamic explosion of millions of orgasms. All at once. And he finally let go. His human body stopped dropping into the ground instead it now vibrated and absorbed deeper into the Earth. Fully materialized into Himalayas.”

“All of his 12000 nadis- the energy conduits and corresponding centers of energy-consciousness emerged as specific spots in the Himalayas. From jagged mountain tops to placid lakes and valleys, from endless deserted plateaus to dense forests, his body emerged as those geographical areas. He emerged as One with the Himalayas. He became Himalayas forever locked in a sweet embrace of his Shakti, calling upon all his creation into himself across the vast expanse of space and time. Waves upon waves of pure peace and bliss pouring forth, becoming nothingness, becoming his own selves. And he is still experiencing that moment -afresh, anew, every time any Yogi or Yogini reaches those towering heights of consciousness. Only to explode them with everlasting bliss-nova of nothingness. So, giving. So, forgiving. Giving himself to them. O Bholenath. The dimensionless Zero that contains all dimensions. Svayanmbhu, Shiva, Mahashiva, Shunya, Ananta. The great and supreme Void of Nothingness. Ommm, Ommm, Ommm…”
Grandma rested her head on the back wall of her bedroom one last time. She too became him and disappeared into him while recounting his story as hers.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Svayambhu and Parvati's Vehicle

Upper Himalaya. Elevation 14000+ feet. Late Winter/Early Spring. 
Sunny Mid-morning. 19000 BCE.

“Where are you headed?” Svayambhu asked Parvati.
“I am going to go down to the lake and see my friends. They are coming back from a festival down south.”
“Are you going to walk there?”
“Yes. There is no other way.”
“Ok. Be safe. Come back by tomorrow night. I am going herb-picking over there by that hill.”
“Hill! That’s a mountain. You sure you will be back by the time I get back?”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, sure.” Svayambhu smiled and winked at Parvati.
Parvati knew he was up to one of his tricks which he will never reveal to her unless she begged or pricked him with sharp pine needles or both.

Svayambhu ascended in front of her eyes into crisp cold air with sweet smelling sweat and a resonant sound of crushing air and disappeared. “See you soon!” She heard him in her head.
Parvati started walking, mumbling. “…could have given me a ride, but no, I have to suffer just like he did before I learn levitation. Stupid rocks and pebbles. Ouch!” A thorn went straight through her right foot. She plucked it out and looked at it-red glowing pointy head of the thorn freshly tainted by her blood. She went back inside their little hut/cave/dwelling on the side of the mountain to look for something to put around her foot. It took her forever.

Parvati cried. No one was there to wipe her tears. Then she remembered that Svayambhu had shown her those herbs next to the stream down by where she got pricked by the thorn. She walked slowly towards the stream. Again, it took her forever.
Sun was beginning to set by the time she got there. She cried again. ‘So much for getting together and having a good time with my friends. It doesn’t happen that often. Nothing happens here really. It’s quite boring at times. I need some company. How would he know?’

Parvati found the two specific herbs that Svayambhu had shown her-very unassuming. Very ordinary. She smelled them. Hum. That’s the one. And this one over here which has no smell but has darkish leaves. She chewed them. Forever. They had to mix well. Then she took out the thick paste from her mouth and gently smeared it on her wound. The toe looked funny. She felt sorry for herself. She slowly got up and sat next to a tree by the stream. She had no fear about being in open at night. And so, she dozed off and slept out in the open under the night sky, in a cold mountain air. The air was very soothing. She thought she would be cold, but a certain warmth was starting to rise up from her toe where she had applied the herbal paste. Soon it enveloped her completely as if she was covered by her favorite yak-skin blanket back in her home. Parvati slept off.

Mid-morning. Dewdrops on rocks. Sweet smell of early spring. Charred earth all round. Green grass, lush green valley, and a beautiful lake in the distance. Still 19000 BCE.

“How? What”-Parvati said to herself as she woke up rubbing her eyes.
She felt like she was 4 years old again-playing next to her childhood palace made up of metal, stone and wood.
“I was here all the time? Then why did I…what? I am hungry”. Parvati thought.
She remembered how she cried yesterday when the thorn went into her toe and later when she was frustrated while feeling helpless. Now she felt fully rejuvenated and agile. She got up and felt like she had grown new feet. Her wound was completely healed.
Parvati eventually met up with her friends who were camping in the valley. They all started talking at once. Parvati ate the food that her friends’ maids had cooked. Yummy. She gorged on sweet rice and thick yak yogurt. She felt happy. Her friends were happy to see her. They showed her their newly acquired clothes and jewelry. Parvati felt happy for them. She realized that she had no attachment left to the clothes or precious jewels. She laughed from inside. She was just happy to be with her friends. The entire day passed -talking, eating, and talking some more. They all had a good time.

It was time to head back. Parvati refused to get a ride from her friends. She thought it was worth climbing up and somehow, she knew that she will be there before sun down. Her friends thought she was crazy. They smiled and waved her goodbye. Parvati started her hike. Her friends gave her a set of thick furred sandals. She gladly accepted that gift. She was able to climb faster and faster gaining higher terrain very quickly. Soon she went into a meditative zone and kept climbing on.

Parvati was singing and humming as soon as she went up to a cliff that led her to her home. She could see that side of the mountain from her vantage point. It was high up and must be at least 1000-2000 feet from where she was. She looked up, looked at the low sun, and climbed on without a drop of fear. Until that one moment. All of a sudden, she slipped off a loose rock. She nearly fell into the steep ravine on the side of the cliff. She barely hung on. She was afraid. ‘What should I do? She swung her one-piece cloth she was wearing around on her left arm with her teeth and grabbed part of the dried branches of a bush. Then she slowly tied the cloth around the tiny bush and slowly pulled herself out. Sweat broke out on her brows. It must have been very arduous to climb like that. However, this time, she didn’t feel sorry. She felt it was a slight delay that made her appreciate her humbling attire of one-piece of thick white cotton. That’s all she had. And that’s what saved her life. She felt grateful. With a new wave of ecstasy rising from deep inside her being, she pressed on. Then she spotted a big, very big, cow looking at him. ‘A cow? Here? Is she lost’? The cow was standing still in the path. Parvati’s eyes were fixed on her eyes. She did not know that the cow was a young bull as she was distracted by her recent crisis (Also being a princess, she didn’t know that a bull does not like to be looked at directly especially if he feels he is being threated by a human). Parvati didn’t know what to do. She walked slowly towards the bull. Bull sniffed the air, looked up at Parvati, and felt strange attraction towards her. He let her come close and put her hands on him. It seemed very natural for Parvati that she can tie her cloth around the animal’s neck and pull him behind her. Both Parvati and the bull walked up the mountain-stark naked. As naked and natural as the virgin earth and the mountain around them. Pure, absolute, completely immersed in the moment.

Finally, Parvati reached the side of her home peak. She motioned the bull to sit down next to her cave. She gave him some grass and water. That’s all she knew she could do. But it all came so naturally to her. Parvati went inside her home and found Svayambhu roasting and eating peanuts. He also had several fruits, thick bread, and a pitcher of reddish liquid with inviting aromas.
“What’s all this?” Parvati happily asked.
“A feast. Especially for someone who has just been through so much in 7 long days.”
“Seven? I have been gone a day or two. I think. It’s been…” Then she gasped some air and realized he was up to one of his tricks again. She stopped talking and started eating.
“One day I am going to crack your magic and slap you with your own stick”. She thought.
“I am sure you will.” Svayambhu smiled. She heard him in her head. As clear as the crystal-clear lake that she swam in early that day.
“I can smell that little friend of yours. He is big. May be twice as big as you.”
“He is a she. A cow. A very nice cow. I found her on my way. She is mine now.”
“You are amusing yourself. He is a bull, not a cow. Go look.”
Parvati went out after finishing up her meal. She patted the animal and checked her genitals. Surely. This is a cow.
“It’s a cow. Don’t mess with me again. I will call her Nandita.”
“Please check again.” Svayambhu said as he started preparing the bed for her. A bed made of soft feathers and amazingly tough grass twigs that won’t bend under her weight.
“I don’t need to. It’s a cow. I thought I can have her breed and give birth to some offspring. We can finally have some milk and some life here.”
“Sure. That all sounds fine. But you will need to find a cow for him to mate with to do all of that. And by the way, I would not try that. This beast is too untamed and lacks self-control. If he mates, he will die. Instead, use his wild energy and make him your vehicle. He needs a sense of direction. Make him smell the herb that you put on your wound in the morning when you feed him. It will calm him. Talk to him before you ride him. Grab his giant hump before you climb on. Then he will carry you and take you wherever you want to go. He can climb the same distance in half as much time as you did today. He is very strong. But very hot headed. He needs your gentle touch and calm energy. I would ride him too but he won’t let me. May be later. I know that where he comes from…a cursed soul, brash being with a lot of potential to grow and realize his own inner nature.”

“He is a she. And her name is Nandita”.
“Please check again in the morning. You will see.”

Late afternoon/Early evening. Hot/humid air with gusts of cool wind. Still 19000 BCE.

Parvati had been busy that day. She cleaned up around her home. Picked dried twigs, and went for a hike. She got flowers from a bush next to the stream. Ate the meal that Swayambhu had made for her in the morning. She forgot all about the animal. The animal grazed all day and eventually returned to the stone ground next to the Dhuni (never ending fire in a small pit). She picked up the herbs and took them to the animal. She gasped the air again. There he was. A bull! Very big bull! Just like he said he was. How can this be?
“Did you do this to her? Did you change her into a bull? Why are you against me having some milk? It’s not so bad you know.”
“Parvati. Please think of it as gaining a vehicle instead of gaining a milk giving cow. A vehicle like that is more useful than a cow filled with udders and multiple calves trying to graze sparse vegetation and dying off eventually in hunger. He is your vehicle now.”

“Well, I will still call him Nandita.”
“And, I will call him Nandi.”

Parvati whispered an impromptu tune into the bull’s ears. Then she flung herself on the bull and grabbed the hump firmly. The bull at once startled and huffed in the air. ‘Ehhhh, aaaah.” Parvati’s bun opened and hair fluttered in the wind blown by the speedy bull’s pace. He went all over the flat ground and circled around everywhere, crushed the grass and twigs, and the ground all the while trying to throw her off his back. He didn’t succeed. She rode him all the while laughing and getting overjoyed by the wild ride. He finally gave up and slowed down. She hadn’t had this kind of fun ever. She had never ridden a bull before. She was happy!

And that’s how Parvati learn to ride her vehicle-Nandita, the bull.

Monday, February 27, 2017

The Death of Dreamer-Scooper

Western Africa, Earth 1000 A.D.
A young baby is being nursed by her Mother. The Mother is wearing green clothes. She is singing a lullaby that is so enchanting to the baby. The baby is mesmerized by the sound and the melody. The Mother seemed to be filling up the baby with her milk and the lullaby. The lullaby and the milk trigger a very happy, coma like state in baby as she is dozing off to the sleep.
In her sleep, the baby sees and remembers the following life-story.

Outer post of Jupiter-Asteroid Belt, 65 Million Earth Years Ago.
“Nice work, Pilot Ten-Twelve-Two. So if I understand correctly, you have flown 12000 missions for the Greater Mars of Tomorrow?"
"Yes, Sir."
"Please don't call me, Sir. Uncle if you want...let it be informal."
"Sorry Sir, course of habit. Also, I wouldn't know what an Uncle is like..I was an orphan."
"That I know. Why did you decide to be a pilot?"
"I was very young. I wanted to get out of house. I wanted to be somebody. I saw the announcement that they were looking young pilot trainees to run cargo ships for the Greater Mars of Tomorrow. So I joined their air-force."
"Indeed. Were you aware at that time that the civil war would last many centuries? Did you know that you were going to haul dead bodies from one end of solar system to the other and bringing cargo from Earth back to Mars to build the rail-guns?"
"No, Sir, um, Uncle-Sir. I did not know anything about the war. I did not know anything about the dead bodies or the weapons. I did what I was told. I was too young to care. All I wanted to do was fly ships, be cool, and impress girls."
"Ok, I understand."

The two, Elder Bospa and Pilot Ten-Twelve-Two were alone on the Elder's temple/mansion on the asteroid, a safe distance away from Mars. The Martian civil war had lasted 18000 of Mars years and had finally ended. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on one's perspective, some Martians like Pilot Ten-Twelve-Two, lived hundreds of Mars years to live through the war and its end. Generations of Martians were involved in this war as they imbibed their offspring with singular cultural philosophies without actually correctly knowing the origin of the war or the other side's story. No one knew. A few cared to find out and resolve the issue. There were two major warring fractions who were bent on annihilating each other although the Inner Brotherhood of Mars were more peaceful and diplomatic compared to the Greater Mars of Tomorrow. They survived the mutual attacks, signed truces, and then fought with each other again with slightest provocation.

The war had consumed Mars completely and left it barren of life closer to the terrain. The solar system also felt the war's effect in the lower dimensional reality. Earth was mined for its minerals and certain metals that were used to build weapons and their guidance systems. The Greater Mars of Tomorrow roamed the solar system and beyond: they scavenged the exo-planets secret communique between the alien races and the races of the solar system in order gain technological advantage. The Inner Brotherhood of Mars solicited every able bodied woman or a being with womb and bear to spread their seeds in order to revive their race. The two fractions left no planet un-turned that was within their reach. Through their perseverance,  Inner Brotherhood of Mars was successful in creating warp-drive and collapsing dimensions so they could travel light years in seconds. They learned to meditate, concentrate on the space-time causation, and accidentally contacted the Greater Galactic Alliance when seeking end to the war. They asked the advanced being for their  some help, to which the Alliance responded by sending the Elders or Light Beings from Arcturus in order to subdue the war. The Greater Mars of Tomorrow had heard of the new warp-drive technology and eventually acquired the secrets. They built massive machinery and  externalized the inner technology that the Inner Brotherhood of Mars had been perfecting for centuries. The entire vibration of the Mars and planets, which war influenced stayed within the physical tone and dream/astral tone. However the centuries of war had made physical vibration of Mars heavier as millions of dis-incarnate beings roamed the ruins of the great civilizations that war had obliterated.

The bloody and non-bloody battles continued until the Elders of Arcturus arrived in the solar system. They intervened, offered help, and finally diffused the fire of war over the next century. They suggested radical solutions and eventually convinced the Greater Mars of Tomorrow to leave the planet to be reborn a few million years from on Earth. This was the only choice they were given after a humiliating defeat from the Inner Brotherhood of Mars.

"Sir-Uncle. I mean Elder Bospa, may I ask you something in return?"
"By all means, and if you want any of my drink, then answer is no." Bospa smiled with compassionate eyes.
"What will I be called? I have heard from others that you tend to give the incoming pilots new names. And, also why?"
"You will be called, Dreamer-Scooper. The reason is that you will be initiated in a very secret ceremony of high spiritual significance. It is almost like taking a second birth...only a birth into more awakening way of life."
"I don't believe in God, Elder."
"Good. Me neither. But you dream, don't you?"
"Yes, of course."
"That's where you are going to pilot your ship."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that you will tell your superiors on Mars that you are going to fly the cargo ships to Earth and mine raw materials for new buildings and temples. And during your cargo runs, you will phase out into the dream/astral realm and travel to Arcturus to retrieve the dream/astral bodies of the lost souls."
"Why? and How?"
"Why? because you will need to repay the heavy karma of this planet and restore its skewed imbalance. You are indirectly responsible for the thousands of innocent souls that were stranded or were interrupted by the war in their journey to Earth. And don't worry about how, I will come to you in your dream tonight after you return to Mars and will give you the medallion by which you will travel to Arcturus."
"Let's say if I believe you. Will my body and ship stay in this vibration while I travel in my dream body to Arcturus?"
"Sshhh. That's too many questions. Only time and experience will tell. Hush now. Go back home."
"No no no, wait, I have a lot of questions. Why..."
Bospa was about to snap his finger.
"Ok, one more question. that's it. Then you go back."
"I have one more question [gulp]. Why did you and other Elders of Arcturus send the Greater Mars of Tomorrow to Earth?"
"Because they have been repeating the same mistake over and over again in various parts of the universe and in this galaxy. They will get to play it out once again on Earth in due time but that will be the most learning and useful experience for them. It will blossom into something beautiful for these lost souls. Ok? That's enough. I will see you back tomorrow during the training session. Bye now."
Bospa snapped his finger and opened a portal which engulfed Dream-Scooper as if he was surrounded by cool mist. Next moment, Dreamer-Scooper was back to his high plateau desert home on Mars overlooking buried ruins of weapons and buildings. His home provided an excellent gateway to the outer space as it was positioned in the upper atmosphere by a very very strong, very very long, and very very flexible balloon-like scaffolding that swayed in the gentle Martian breeze at night. The scaffolding provided a perfect base for his glass-house along with docks for his small fleet of ships.
As a result of a series of subatomic explosions during the war, the Martian air had begun to get thinner and sparser. The Martian bodies had adopted but now were facing eminent danger of extinction as the planet no longer supported any new genetic mutations or adaptations. The upper stratosphere of Mars somehow contained a perfect combination of air and moisture needed to sustain life.

That night Dreamer-Scooper dreamed that Elder Bospa was on a swing that swung back and forth across myriads of starts and galaxies. As the swing came closer to him, he suddenly jumped high up in the air and yelled a war-cry which scared Dream-Scooper. 'Very typical dream-symbolism', Dream-Scooper thought. Next moment, Elder Bospa landed next to him, smiled, and started swaying his left hand back and forth as if conducting an orchestra. Dreamer-Scooper remembered that he knew that melody as his favorite childhood song from centuries ago, when Mars was still green and had beautiful trees. Elder Bospa produced a clock-like medallion in his right hand and gently passed it through Dreamer-Scooper's chest and very carefully placed it in the center all the while swaying his left hand in the musical harmony of the tune. He then smiled and whispered, 'Music of our Home Star Arcturus.'

Western Africa, Earth 1000 A.D.
Baby wakes up. Mommy has fallen asleep. Baby cries and wakes up Mommy. Mommy sings the same sweet tune that baby was hearing as Dreamer Scooper. Baby is lulled back to sleep by teh lullaby and dreams the following:

Upper Stratosphere of Mars, 65 Million Earth Years Ago.
Dream-Scooper is wearing his helmet and is positioned in his anti-gravity ship. The pilot dome is made up of glass allowing him 360 degree view. Next to him is Elder Bospa who motions him to start the engine. The engine gently revs up and hums as the contrails of water vapors turn into fine mist from the ship's exhaust pipe. The engine makes melodious sound and falls near silent as Dreamer-Scooper engages the drive train by waving his left hand on the front panel. The ship takes of vertically from Elder's home on the asteroid and moves very quickly towards Jupiter.

"Every planet is a portal. Every star is a portal. When we dream, we pass through their astral bodies and reach a certain plane of existence. Everything is interconnected in the grand heart of the universe which Elders call the Source." Bospa said as the ship silently passed Jupiter and moved toward Mars.
"I have fitted your ship with a replica of the medallion I put in your heart last night in the dream body. The two are intertwined and will never separate. I also rewired and connected one specific neural pathway in your brain that controls the motor skills and eye rotations to your ship. This would mean that...[looking at Dreamer-Scooper directly] you can control your ship with with either your eyes or your hands. Either way, you have to be very careful and take a great care when you fly your ship. Any damage to your ship will damage you."
"Great! So much for dodging stray rail guns, comets and rocks. I rather not fly if I am going to be dead in my maiden flight."
"Don't worry. You also have the unique ability to lower and raise the white light/energy shield that will act as a rubbery/flexible diaphragm against any impacts. You will be able to take on minor explosives as well. At most they will feel like someone is bumping into you. But there is a limit. That limit is your own mind. The stronger your mind, the harder it will be to break your ship." Bospa smiled and leaned back.
"Now try using your mind to fly to your home."
The pilot flew his plane with little difficulty using only his thoughts and mind. But he eventually got a hang of it and landed it safely on the dock outside of his floating home on Mars. He felta natural inclination to this new way of flying.
"Good. Now tomorrow I will teach you how to dock your ship."
"I already know how to dock the ship."
'Huh. Old man thinks I can't dock a ship'-Dreamer Scooper thought.
"Not like this ship, you don't.' Bospa said as if reading his thought. "It is not the same ship as before. Let me show you h-".
"No really, I got this. I know how to do it. Please tell me what I need to do to transcend the current vibration and go into the next one-the dream vibration."
"Nothing really. All you need to do is go to a specific spot away from your planet's magnetic field range. Anywhere outside of the asteroid belt is ok. Then go to the back chamber, fill it with water-gel as we discussed, and push the auto-pilot button which will link up with your medallion in the other realm. After that your physical body will suspend in water-gel as if you are asleep, and you will be consciously connected to and aware of your dream body."
"Can you show me how?"
"That part is very easy and yes, I can show you. However, you must learn to un-dock/ dock properly. It is the most important aspect of your flight to and from your destination."
"What is my destination?"
"The autopilot should take you to Earth. There you will collect the raw diamonds and silver compounds after completing your mission in the astral/dream realm. Watch out for the wild beasts (Dinosaurs). Earth's animal consciousness is still evolving slowly. It will change eventually..."
 Bospa paused. He didn't want disclose too much to Dreamer-Scooper.
" something wonderful. As far as your superiors on Mars is concerned, you will say that you have been going to Earth to collect the raw materials-that's all. Do not disclose any of the other mission details." Bospa finished.
"So what is my mission in the dream realm?"
"Come with me. I will show you."

First, Bospa quietened his mind. He closed his eyes for few minutes and whispered a few Mantrainto Dreamer-Scooper's ears. Next, Bospa and Dreamer-Scooper went into stasis in the water-gel. After being completely surrounded by the warm water-gel, they went into a deep meditative state. Dreamer-Scooper heard clicks as his consciousness shifted to higher vibration. He heard the slow-Humm-Aummm melody playing within the chamber. He had now transcended the physical vibration and entered the dream-like astral realm. 'It is much calmer than my dreams'-he thought.

He felt joy or the hidden Ananda that seeps through everything. His mind became more fluid and supple as he could concentrate on a desire and it would materialize instantaneously.
Like the whispering blue leaves tree that once was common on Mars when he was a child, he heard Bospa's voice whispering and then finally softly humming into his ears: "It is very easy to get lost in the dream realm. As you will want to fulfill your desires-food, sex, others. Be aware of the vibration. We have made sure that you will stay in the higher tones but it is easy to succumb to lower realm-that will be difficult to navigate and come out of. Set your intention on the common good of all life in this universe just as you have been, yes that's good. Now touch your medallion. Feel the joy permeating through it and the rest of the reality that you are now part of. This Ananda is the source, as We understand it. We are the messengers of the Most High. We will not stop our efforts to lift all the souls on this planet, and others in this solar system and beyond. If you ask for help, We will come. Feel the love. Feel the joy. Feel the peace. For Oneness within is the oneness without. All is One. Be One with that love."
Dreamer-Scooper cried silver tears of light as he looked at Bospa's voice transforming into light and then finally into the dream body. His face changed to a younger and more vibrant version of himself. He noticed he was wearing a white helmet and he was in the translucent glass dome of the dream version of his ship. Bospa was quietly sitting next to him. The silence was deafening-it felt so good that Dreamer-Scooper did not want to leave this space.
"You have to be wary of the amount of time you spend here. The time is dilated but is still tied to the physical vibration where your other body is resting. One week spent here is almost a year in the physical realm-so be aware. It is not easy to let go but let go you must. We will help you and remind you if you spend too much time in this realm."

Dreamer-Scooper now touched his medallion and felt the immense joy pouring out of his heart. 'If this is the truth, then why must not all know it? Why waste time and energy in the other dimension? I mean look at these beautiful symphonic harmony of things here. Look at that planet, look at that star, look at all of it just filled with joy and musical enchantment. How wondrous!' He thought.
"Bathe in the all pervading joy and light of the Source-the Most High. After all, it is you as your highest Self. Feel the sacred and always strive for the sacred vibration."

Dreamer-Scooper was filled with ecstasy and was now floating outside of the glass dome.
Bospa conveyed telepathically to Dreamer-Scooper that he must come back inside the glass dome.
"This glass dome is your energy shield. It will protect you from all that is not sacred and all that you bring with you from the other realm. Ideally, you should sit in the meditation before the water-gel fills up the chamber but if you can't then this shield will ensure that only you pass into this vibration and the dis-incarnate beings, lost beings, impressions, lower vibrations are all filtered out. You must learn to raise, control, and lower the shield as necessary."
 Dreamer-Scooper did not pay attention. His attention was fixed on the point of light in front of him. He thought about going there. He felt someone else had thought it up and that he was simply an observer.
"Yes, let's go then. Focus your intention on that point of light."
Next moment, Dreamer-Scooper and Bospa entered the point of light and arrived in a big chamber. It was the biggest chamber he had seen.

"That's it. You did it. You are now in the outer astral realm of Arcturus. You shall only be permitted to stay here. You can stay here longer than around your own solar system because the time is more dilated here. The point of light was your sun as it carries the portal to other suns and then finally to our home Star in front of you. We shall allow you to see it this way because it is the best way you will be able to relate to our home Star."

Dreamer-Scooper saw a gigantic pipe of white light and bodies of different souls floating out of it and going into another pipe directly in front of it. The two pipe were identical. 'The pipes are farther apart than they should have been', he thought. In any case, the chamber was filled with peaceful energy and he felt so minuscule. It seemed to infinitely big. His only point of reference were the two big pipes while the rest was blended into infinity.
"Arcturus-our home star is the portal through which every soul in this existence must pass through before incarnating in the relevant bodies on planets, stars, etc and house themselves in various experiences. What you are seeing are the dream bodies of the souls who are passing through in order to be born on Earth. You must help them find their way if they are lost. Your mission is to simply observe quietly and collect the bodies that happen to fall out of that stream". Bospa pointed at the river of light that connected the two big pipes.

"We are within ourselves right now. Aren't we?"
"Yes, that's correct. You have entered your heart and have imploded within at this specific spot. The heart, the all knowing heart, the Most High, the Source is infinite. I am an aspect of you as you are an aspect of mine. The key that holds us together is the love, Ananda and peace that you feel."
Bospa chanted few more mantras in his ears and waved his hand.

Dreamer-Scooper tried to follow but couldn't. He could only float around the outer shell of the river of light between the two giant pipes. He saw the Bospa turn into light ball and then disappear into the center. He then realized that the globe he was in was completely red, burning red and the center was white. The white light in the center seemed to be always present and he knew that one day he will be permitted to enter it. Next, Dreamer-Scooper witnessed himself floating about the river of light looking for something. He found two dream-bodies with closed eyes shooting off from the river into the oblivion. He got hold of the two and simply nudged them back into the river. 'Oh-that's why he called me Dreamer-Scooper!' He thought.

After what felt like an eternity, Dreamer-Scooper experience a jolt of exhilaration which was not common. He knew that it is time to get moment, he woke up in his water-gel filled chamber. He got out and waited for Bospa to come back.

Bospa sipped his drink. It seemed to invigorate him completely.
"You must know that I raised and lowered the shield for you. You were oblivious to it this time but you must learn how to do it yourself. You will be able to travel to Arcturus and back in the dream-realm but on the way back, you must pause, shift your consciousness 90 deg then 45 deg into the docking position of your ship. There must be a complete alignment between your medallion and its counterpart of the ship. Only then you can lower the shield. Once you lower the shield, you will wake up in your physical body. You must learn this technique thoroughly. I can show you how to do this if you like."
"No, I think I can handle it. I am amazed at the white source of light in the center of Arcturus. It feels like it has always been there. I have never felt so attracted towards anything else before."
Bospa kept quiet. He decided not to say anything else to the Dreamer-Scooper.
"I feel the dream mission to be more real than anything else here. Why is that?"
Bospa simply nodded and smiled. His look was, 'you will know in due time.'

Dreamer-Scooper continued with his cargo flights to Earth. Either before or after the flight, he would work on the other mission in the astral realm. Several hundred Mars years passed. He was able to keep his other missions secret from his friends and superiors. His life seemed to have a deeper purpose. Eventually, his dream missions became his only reason to live and he only slept and dreamed on those missions. his body rejuvenated and became more vibrant despite the life-threatening and worsening conditions on Mars. He learned to meditate and feel the subtlety of the vibrations of two realms.

One day on his routine path towards Earth, he fell into a deep sleep. He had learned to dive deeper into his consciousness without the water-gel chamber. Soon, he arrived at the outer perimeter of the center of Arcturus and hovered around as usual. He noticded that the two openings of the white light pipes were broader and wider. A lot more dream bodies were now streaming through than before. He struggled to keep the stray bodies together and back into the river of light.. After he felt the signal to return, he materialized his ship in the astral realm and sat in the glass dome made up of white silver light. He intended to return back to his home on Mars. As a result, he entered the home star, the Sun, and came out as usual and began to head towards the Earth. He looked for his point of return into the physical ship he had left hidden over a mountain (in what would be present day West Africa). The physical counter part of his dream-medallion beckoned an unmistakable and alluring red/blue light which always aligned with his dream-medallion in the center of his chest.

Ecstatic as usual while returning back into the physical vibration, he approached the physical ship against a glorious stars filled background of the universe. From his perspective in the dream-realm it was all within a very short reach and as he descended he felt them materialized into distant stars and planets. Just then, he forgot to align himself before lowering the shield. The shield lowered, the glass dome disappeared, and he felt as if something swooshed passed him quickly. While still in the transition between realms, he sat in the cockpit of the physical ship with fierce resistance.
'Ooops, did I forget the 45 deg. turn? Was I supposed to do that before I sit? Am I doing this right? This is impossible. How can this be right? Oh wow look at that bright star-never seen that before!'.
A swirl of emotions and thoughts rose up within him. In a point of utter confusion, he simply decided to keep sitting.

Next moment, he felt his consciousness shifting towards the physical body. Next moment after that, he felt a tremendous surge of heat and cold entering and leaving his body. His medallion shattered into pieces, his ship collapsed and obliterated, and the contours of the energy rail entered him from behind. He knew that he was shot with a long distance rail gun. The weapon propelled him out of Earth and to the bright shining star until his consciousness exploded into million pieces.

He was assassinated and thus died after completing his last mission to Arcturus.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Svayambhu (Shiva) and the Three Friends

Svayambhu (Shiva) and the Three Friends

“My grandfather used to say that he didn’t know where he came from, from whom he was born, or how he stayed alive when he was a child.”
“My grandmother said, she once saw him being nursed by a big tigress near the woods that are under water now.”
“I saw him the other day. He was sitting by the river, looking at the rocks.”
“What do you mean he was looking at rocks? Was he trying to catch a fish?”
“No, he was just silently sitting there starring at the river rocks and watch the water go by. The next day my sister came to my house with her husband to pick up the yaks and they said, they also saw him sitting there. He must have been sitting there for almost 4 days.”
“I don’t know.”
“Should we ask him?”
“Sure, if you can find him. He is like a ghost. He hardly interacts with anyone accept a few people who have looked after him long ago. He is very silent. If he walks by and stands next to you, you wouldn’t even know.”
“Yes, my father was telling his friends that they want to put a gourd filled with pine nuts and small rocks on his arms and ankles so that whenever he passes by or is near the village, everyone can hear him…ugly beast.”
“Hardly! Have you seen those young girls ogling after him? They find him irresistible. They have been saying that they gaze in his eyes and fall in love with him.”
“But he doesn’t even care! Imagine if I knew a girl wanted me.... what a waste!”

The boys were sharing the stories about Svayambhu to each other on a thunderous and rainy night by the fire in a cave next to their village. The fire crackled as wet twigs gave way to the cinders and meatless bones of wild boar that the boys had caught that afternoon. They had put the bones into the fire so they can make arrows out of them later.

“What does he eat? I have never seen him eat anything.”
“I don’t know. My mother gave him some food the other day. He bowed to her and ate the food. But he might as well not have eaten. He hardly eats. I don’t know how he survives without food.”
“Don’t forget the rain! And snow and heat. It’s almost as if he is not bothered by any weather at all.”
“I bet you he was a great hunter when he was young.”
“What do you mean, ‘young’. He is our age”, one of the boys said.
“Ha ha ha”. The rest of the group started laughing. Finally, they told him that he was hundreds of years old.
“yes, he is a legend. And yet no one knows anything about him.”
“Ok then. I will find out about him. Who wants to join me?” The one boy who thought Svaymbhu was his age said. Two other boys replied, they will join him.
For next few months and years, the three boys followed Svaymbhu whenever they could. They saw him rarely-only when he was passing by their village. They observed that yes, no amount of weather bothered him. He had no fear. His eyes sparkled as of a hunter but he rarely hunted. He roamed the Himalayan mountains and valleys. He had three homes-so to speak. One was on a tall peak which they couldn’t climb. Another one was by the river bank where he had made a little hut from animal hides, branches and leaves. Yet the third dwelling he often frequented was the meadow he was born in. The meadow and the surrounding trees were not underwater as one of their friends said earlier-rather they became an island in a thicket of woods, the melting waters from the glaciers, and rocks.
He spent most of his time gazing out in the distance. He hardly slept. His face and expressions seemed very content. His hair was matted thick. He was at ease with his surroundings. He seemed intimately connected with them. You would hardly notice him unless you really looked for him.
The more they followed him and observed him, they also realized that he was fearless. Animals were plenty back then-it was a boom time after the end of last ice age. Human beings had to constantly fend them off and lived together in small groups in villages and protect themselves with spears, arrows and torches. Svaymbhu seemed to be unaffected by the animals-big or small. This really impressed the three friends.
One day, the posse saw him sitting on a rock, with eyes half-closed. A big black snake hissed and crawled up on his arm. “Look out!” one of the friends couldn’t help it.
Svaymbhu didn’t reply. He didn’t blink an eye. The snake made a knot on his arm and rested on this shoulder next to his neck.

“Wow!” the bunch exclaimed. 
The three friends followed him for the next few days without returning home. They had decided to imitate their distant friend who seemed to be radiant with smile. That’s when they knew that he had known all along that he was being followed. But again, they could never tell. “what a mysterious and powerful being”, the leader of the group said. “let’s do what he does from now on.”

The three friends eventually returned to their old habit of following him after they had become old men-each a grandfather now. Their bodies wouldn’t keep up but they saw how Svaymbhu still looked the same. Rather he was more radiant than ever. His eyes were like diamonds. His skin looked as if the gold of morning Sun had blended with the mud of the virgin Earth and was dipped in the brightest and whitest cottony wool. He wore his signature tigress hide and another fur around his upper body. Over the course of their lifetime, people who had shunned him had created terrible stories about him-some true, some untrue, some conjured up simply because they hated him. Some people had great respect for him like the three old friends. The three friends never approached him directly, nor they talked to him. They simply observed him with great curiosity. They would gather and sit outside the village next to a tree during a certain time of the month knowing that Svayambhu will be passing by. They would bow and Svayambhu would return their bow with the most gracious bow and press on. The three friends learned to meditate and every time they meditated, they would see Svayambhu in their inner visions. This prompted them to respect him even more.
One day, Svaymbhu came through the village on his usual pilgrimage that spanned all of the known Himalaya. He stopped and waived at the three friends asking them to come closer. The three men smiled as if they had never smiled before and approached him with deep reverence. Svaymbhu stood almost 14-15 feet tall which was the average height of the human beings then. To the leader of the three friends, he seemed a lot taller, as tall as the mountain peak where he stayed during mid-winter in snow.
Svaymbhu flashed his infectious smile with pearly white teeth as if they were jewels beaming out his inner splendor. He opened his palm and gave each friend a Rudraksh seed. 
Svaymbhu said “my dear friends- thank you for looking after me all these years. It was because of you three that I could be worry free. You are my friends and protectors. Please ask me anything you want. I will give it to you if I can.” 
“What is the meaning of life? Why are we here? Who are you? Who are we?”
Svaymbhu smiled, and replied, “We are our experiences. We exist. I am you. You are everything.” Then, he turned around and started walking on to his meadow island, next to the village.

The three had never let go of the seeds Svaymbhu had given them.
One friend planted the seed in his backyard and watered it every day.
Another friend make a necklace out of it and wore it till he passed away.
The third friend made a headband and put it on his granddaughter’s head.

A few months later, the three old men fell sick. As the three friends laid on their deathbeds, each had an identical vision of Svaymbhu. They saw the following:
They saw him holding a staff. The staff had two round gourds with tiny animal bones inside. The staff soon turned into a three-pointed trident (trishul) which emanated lightening. Then, they saw him thumping both of his feet on the ground he was standing on which was soon followed by a rhythmic dance. He shook his trident left and right in a precise and calculated motion. Soon with every alternating thump, a thunderous sound of thousand drums manifested, and each alternating shake of his trident turned into awesome white light while the other alternating shakes seemed to engulf the white light completely into a total vacuum and abysmal void. The white light seemed to be woven together by the alternating rhythm of creation and dissolution into planets, stars, and galaxies. The galaxies then paved way to superclusters, and on and on it went till the white light with void as its counterpart panned into hundreds of universes. While beholding this vision, and knowing that they had to return and reincarnate in due time to experience all of it as their life moments on Earth, the three men let out their last breaths and passed away peacefully.