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Monday, April 25, 2011

Thunderbolts of memory.

Aliya was chasing her mother,who was forcefully  taken by the slave traders, her little brother followed her through the narrow lanes of the desert settlements.

The brother and sister lost their way and ended up at the shifting dunes, thirsty and exhausted by the merciless desert sun they collapsed on the ground, luckily the caravan passing by found them and took them along with the rest to the coastal town of Marrakash.
It was the hub of the slave trade and the caravan sold them to willing buyers for a few coins. The brother and sister were separated.

Aliya was renamed as Mahenasheen and was trained to become one of the finest belly dancer in the city. She threw herself into the world of music, she felt healed and forgot all painful memories of her childhood when her body swayed with the drum beats and her feet played with the soft cool sands.

Her body swayed like a serpent, when she danced men were mesmerized.The most wealthy sheikh heard about Mahenasheen's exceptional talent and decided to see it for himself.

Her beauty and dance both captivated Shiekh Hameed, he showered her with gold that night. It was a great night of celebration under the crisp clear desert sky but something bigger than that had happened the same night. Sheikh body-guard felt immense attraction for the dancer, whenever their eyes met their was an electric current that went down his spine, he had seen many beautiful women but the intensity with which he felt drawn to her was unbelievable.

Mahenasheen noticed the handsome young man and felt pulled towards him, yet there was a flicker of recognition in her mind. Later in the night, the strangers met again, he sneaked into her tent, they made passionate love, merging into each other with some unknown yet very deep longing.

She noticed a triangular pattern of moles on his bare back, she immediately understood. Later when lovers talked she told him the story of her childhood and about her painful separation with her baby brother.Stunned, he ran out of the tent. He was ashamed beyond measure, unknowingly he did something unthinkable yet he thought about the currents of electricity that ran down his spine as soon as he saw her.How could he not remember her. Aliya his sister, all these years he searched every corner of the desert looking for his sister.

Sometimes when we meet strangers we subconsciously communicate the message, longing, love, hatred, anger that we have carried from before. Most of the times we are designed to read them as signals of sexual attraction, but that's just our DNA doing a somersault in recognition. It is only noticeable in a fraction of a moment when our eyes meet(perhaps that's why eyes are called the windows to the soul).For someone more observant and aware it can be a doorway to revisit the memory and understand the purpose of meeting again. Knowing what is left to be done makes it easier for both the beings.When we are not aware, we meet, interact and settle something from the past and create something new and the chain reaction continues.

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